What is hi tech agriculture farming?

                       What is hi tech agriculture farming?

From running indoor vertical vegetable farms that grow crops in stacked layers, to raising fitter fish that are robust against aquatic diseases, farmers here are finding ways to overcome the limitations of traditional farming. They are using hi-tech farming and high-yield methods to transform their work from back-breaking labour into lucrative businesses.
As high-tech farming mainly refers to agricultural methods using the latest technology, like hydroponics and aerophonics. That is to say growing veggies in water or in the air only without the use of soil and there are also orchid farms and ornamental fish. It is also called agrotechnology here.
There are minimal physical inputs to the system, but it is capital intensive since large capital outlay is required to buy specialized equipment, maintenance, training of labour etc. It is also a commercial farming system, farmers invest in them both for local and export markets, technical know-how is a must, for example, for hydroponics computers are used to monitor, it is labour intensive because of the training of lab technicians, scientists, chemists and farm hands.
It uses high tech farming methods and technology to increase yields; it has high output and market value because the so called hygienic conditions appeal to all health conscious people out there who do not mind paying more. It is dependent on research and development. Like growing temperate vegetables in a tropical climate or genetic engineering developing disease resistant plants with nice colours or transgenic animals.
As hitech agriculture industries are more predominantly found as part of agglomeration economies, where they locate next to each other helping to link to other companies on site. The industry is mainly situated on sites that have room for further expansion so as the industry develops so can the size of firms. Therefore they are usually situated on greenfield sites where there is more room for researchers for the industry. High-tech industries have to be easily accessed for both workers and for the imports and exports of goods.
The techniques of this industry involve micro-electronics but can also include medical instruments, biotechnology and pharmaceuticals which all belong into the quaternary sector, demanding high inputs of information, expertise and research and development. They are footloose industries as they are not tied to their raw materials and therefore they can have a free choice of location.
In hi-tech agriculture it is the use of science and technology to direct and enhance farming operations. Developments of crop varieties to resist pests and diseases and to increase yields, Use of weather monitoring systems and selection of crop varieties to match the specific weather conditions they report. Use of machinery to enable one man to do more work than 50 men used to do. Also using satellite navigation and UAV equipment to direct and observe crops.
High tech farming includes use of sophisticated farm machinery like tractor, power tiller, reaper, harvestor, weeder, decorticator, ridge maker, epower sprayer tc. It also includes micri irrigation system, precission farming like mulching, use of micro sprayer etc.
Various agriculture production techniques elaborate to avoid pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. The line of conduct of organic breeding techniques is to improve the health state of herd, increase its fruitfulness and its longevity and to take care of its well being. This relies on simple principles of common sense, a varied and healthy organic feeding, breeding conditions without stress.
You can find out more about High Tech Agriculture and Tech Market in TechComrade

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